Whether you have been promoted, taken a new job, or just need a change - moving to a new city like the United States can be a scary one. You've been uprooted from your social circle, separated from your former colleagues and tasked with rebuilding a network of personal support and professional development. For working adults, making new friends can be difficult. By learning to understand how networks work, most of you can at least create a new basic network much faster than you built an old one. Here are some ways to start making friends in the U.S.

Make friends in the U.S. in a new place

Making friends in the US was a very difficult time for you, or trying to find someone who had the same interests as you did when you moved to a new city. Also, most of them are in the same position as you are moving for work or studies to a new place in America. Over the years, you have found some ways to meet friends instead of just going to nightlife bars and salsa dancing. Say yes to after-work snacks or a neighbor's breakfast. If a contact says they know someone you'd like in your new city, follow them and see where they go. There may be volunteer opportunities, or you can organize civic activities. When you are a teacher, you may be welcome at school events or parties for other students. Either way, follow these leads and see where they go. It will help you learn about your new world and discover your new place, as much as anything else.

You can use social media to make friends

It's great to see how many websites with common interests exist to meet and make friends in the US. Some are good, some are bad. There are many types of websites, depending on your experience, that will help you identify common interests. In one place, you will meet people with similar interests who are either looking for the purpose or looking in places. Meeting people with similar passions such as traditions, learning a language, walking, eating, running, playing tennis, etc ... you have to go on. Some sites are also very well known and exploited. You must be standing. Here you have to be a little vigilant and not just send your number to unknown people, just behave with caution and meet people in the public sphere. Another simple way is to directly search for qualified or social organizations in this field on Google. You will get some of the websites in the area and attend a gathering and meet new people.

Hit everyone you know and their friends

Roommates can become friends or at least, at the end of the day, someone to talk to! If not, consider contacting neighbours to see what social events are going on in your neighbourhood. If sports is your thing, then making friends in the US is a perfect way to do it. Find out if you are eligible to join a casual team in your city. When all else fails, expatriate communities are usually available, and while this usually means quick partners, it's fun to try to diversify as well. Don't be one of those people who share time at home with friends! You always meet new people and they can be great, but I think meeting people from different cultures is so valuable. It takes effort to make new friends, and sometimes without realizing it, people are not as open to the idea of someone new coming into their lives.